

Nestled in the Adventure District of Oklahoma City, Parkview Adventist Academy offers an eight-acre campus of vast playing fields and access to close learning adventures. This unique environment allows students to embrace the outdoors while growing into serving leaders challenged by rigorous project-based learning.

Our campus is a living, breathing space that develops the love of learning and inspires students and teachers alike to serve others.

We value the opportunity to connect with our prospective families, and we look forward to sharing some of the extraordinary advantages of a PAA education. 

Another great way to explore the day-to-day magic that happens at Parkview Adventist Academy is to follow us on social media.  PAA Instagram and PAA Facebook

We look forward to meeting you and your child.  We look forward to getting to know your family, hearing about your child’s educational and future goals, and discovering what is important to your family in a school. If you haven’t participated in a tour yet, we’d love to share more about PAA as we walk our grounds visiting with teachers and students.  We have many options to tour our school via a Visitation Day or through a scheduled family tour.  

TJ Roberts, Principal

(405) 427-6525